Employment Support Services (ES):
Individualized services and supports that help people maintain paid employment in community businesses/settings. Employment support services occur in integrated community settings.
- Requires direct contact: Covered job support services that require direct contact with the person may include:
- Job analysis
- Job re-design
- Coaching and supporting acceptable workplace self-care, proper dress, personal hygiene and grooming
- Job training and coaching to strengthen and maintain necessary work skills, behaviors and coworker relationships
- Job-related counseling and support, including help understanding earned wages and impact on benefits
- Training and coaching the person on job-related transportation
- Progress review and reporting meetings
- In-service transportation.
- Does not require direct contact: Covered job support services that do not require direct contact with the person may include:
- Arrangement for adaptive accommodations (e.g., modified work tasks or responsibilities, flexible schedules, telecommuting, etc.)
- Arrangement for assistive technology (e.g., ergonomic workstations, magnifiers, speech-to-text or text-to-speech software, captioning, audio or visual cueing, etc.)
- Advocacy, negotiation and liaison communication with the employer
- Development and strengthening natural work support
- Research and coordination for job-related transportation
- Working with the employer to design and implement set schedules for ongoing follow-up
support, job coach sharing, fading out and monitoring
- Formation of skilled, job-specific, work crews and job enclaves for group employment support service arrangements
- Data collection, documentation and progress reports on a person’s work performance
- Benefit(s) fact gathering, review and analysis to determine how a change in circumstances will affect benefits